Contact Us

Contact Us

General Inquiries

For any general inquiries or questions about South Korea, please email us at We will do our best to respond to your query as soon as possible.

Advertising and Partnership Opportunities

If you are interested in advertising or partnership opportunities with SouthKorea, please reach out to us at We are open to collaborations that align with our mission to provide the latest information on South Korea’s culture, tourist attractions, food, festivals and events, and hot issues.

Technical Support

If you are experiencing any technical issues while browsing or using our website, please contact our technical support team at Our team will address the problem and assist you in resolving any difficulties encountered.

Media and Press Inquiries

For media and press inquiries, please contact us at We are available to provide information, interviews, and resources regarding South Korea, its culture, tourist attractions, and related topics.

Feedback and Suggestions

We value your feedback and suggestions to improve our website and content. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please email us at Your input is invaluable in making SouthKorea a better platform for providing information about South Korea.