Some tips for shopping in Korea

Shopping in a foreign country can be both exciting and challenging. If you find yourself in Korea, it’s great to have a few basic Korean words up your sleeve to enhance your shopping experience. From phrases like “how much is this?” to essential words like “discount” and “bag,” learning these useful Korean words will not only help you navigate the stores with ease but also make a memorable impression on the locals. So, let’s dive into the world of shopping in Korea and equip ourselves with these handy phrases and words.


Hello (to a salesperson)

When you enter a store and encounter a salesperson, be sure to greet them with a friendly “Hello!” This simple greeting helps establish a positive atmosphere and open communication between you and the salesperson. It shows that you are approachable and ready to engage in a conversation about the products or services offered.

Hello (to other customers)

Shopping can sometimes feel like a shared experience, especially when you’re browsing through the same racks or aisles as other customers. It’s always a nice gesture to acknowledge other shoppers with a polite “Hello!” This small act of kindness helps create a friendly and welcoming environment for everyone. So, don’t hesitate to greet your fellow shoppers and maybe even strike up a conversation about your shared interests or recommendations.


Saying goodbye is important when wrapping up your shopping experience. After you have made your purchases or finished browsing, make sure to bid farewell to the salesperson or any other people you may have interacted with. A simple “Goodbye!” or “Thank you for your help!” is a courteous way to end your shopping trip on a positive note.

Thank you

Expressing gratitude is always appreciated, and it goes a long way in making your shopping experience enjoyable. When a salesperson assists you in finding an item, answering your queries, or completing your purchase, show your appreciation by saying, “Thank you!” This small gesture of thanking someone for their help or service adds warmth and friendliness to your interaction.

Finding items

Where is…?

Getting familiar with the phrase “Where is…?” will greatly assist you in navigating a store and finding specific items. Whether you are looking for a particular section, product, or category, this question will help you seek guidance. For example, you can say, “Excuse me, where is the shoe section?” or “Where can I find the electronics department?” The salesperson or another customer will then be able to direct you to the right location.

I’m looking for…

When you have a specific item or product in mind but aren’t sure where to find it, it’s helpful to express your intent by saying, “I’m looking for…”. This phrase allows you to communicate your shopping goal and seek assistance. For instance, you can say, “I’m looking for a red sweater” or “I’m looking for a gift for a child.” By sharing what you’re searching for, you enable others to provide suggestions or guide you toward what you need.

Do you have…?

If you are unsure if a store carries a particular item, you can ask the salesperson, “Do you have…?” followed by the name of the item. This question helps you determine if the store has what you’re looking for before spending time searching. For example, you can ask, “Do you have this dress in a smaller size?” or “Do you have any black handbags?” The salesperson will be able to check their inventory or direct you to alternatives if they don’t have exactly what you’re seeking.

How much is…?

When you’re interested in purchasing an item but need to know its price, you can inquire by saying, “How much is…?” followed by the item’s name. This question allows you to budget and make informed buying decisions. For instance, you can ask, “How much is this shirt?” or “How much are these shoes?” The salesperson will then provide you with the pricing details, including any promotions or discounts that may be applicable.

Can I try this on?

Trying on clothes before purchasing them is essential to ensure the right fit and style. To inquire about trying on a specific item, politely ask, “Can I try this on?” or “Can I use the fitting room?” This question signals your intent to test the product and allows the salesperson to direct you to the appropriate area. Whether it’s a clothing store or a shoe boutique, most establishments will have fitting rooms available for customers.



If you’re looking for an item in a small size, you can simply use the English word “small” when communicating your preference or request. Whether it’s a small t-shirt, small shoes, or a small bag, using this term will help the salesperson understand your sizing requirements.


Similar to the term “small,” the word “medium” can be used to express your desire for items in a medium size. Whether it’s a medium-sized dress, medium-sized jeans, or medium-sized accessories, using this word will effectively communicate your sizing preference.


When you’re in search of larger-sized items, such as a large sweater, large sneakers, or a large suitcase, make sure to mention the word “large”. By clearly communicating your desired size, the salesperson will be able to assist you more effectively.


If you require sizes beyond large, it’s beneficial to use the term “extra-large” when expressing your preference. Whether it’s an extra-large jacket or extra-large gloves, specifying this size will ensure that you are shown products that meet your requirements.

What size am I?

If you’re unsure about your clothing or shoe size, don’t hesitate to ask the salesperson for assistance. You can simply say, “What size am I?” or “Can you help me find my size?” The salesperson will then guide you through the process of measuring or trying on different sizes to determine the best fit for you.



When referring to the color red, simply use the English word “red” in your conversations. Whether you’re looking for a red dress, red shoes, or red accessories, using this term will help you communicate your color preference easily.


The word “blue” is the standard term used to describe the color blue. If you’re interested in purchasing something blue, such as a blue shirt, blue jeans, or blue home décor items, be sure to mention the color by using this word.


When you’re in search of something yellow, use the word “yellow” to express your color preference. Whether it’s a yellow blouse, yellow sneakers, or yellow kitchenware, using this term will help you clearly communicate your desired color to the salesperson.


To describe the color green, use the word “green” in your conversations. Whether you’re looking for a green dress, green accessories, or green household items, using this term will help you convey your color preference effectively.


The color black can be easily described by using the English word “black.” Whether it’s a black jacket, black boots, or black office supplies, mentioning the color by name will help you find the items you’re looking for.


Similar to other colors, the color white can be referred to by using the English word “white.” Whether you’re interested in purchasing a white shirt, white sneakers, or white home décor items, mentioning the color explicitly will help you find what you need.


When you’re seeking items in the color orange, don’t forget to mention the color by its name. Whether it’s an orange dress, orange accessories, or orange stationery, using the word “orange” will effectively communicate your color preference.


The color pink can be easily described by using the word “pink.” Whether you’re looking for a pink top, pink shoes, or pink beauty products, mentioning the color explicitly will convey your preference to the salesperson.


To describe the color purple, use the word “purple” in your conversations. Whether you’re searching for a purple dress, purple accessories, or purple bedding, using this term will help you convey your color preference effectively.


The color gray can be referred to by using the English word “gray.” Whether you’re interested in purchasing a gray sweater, gray sneakers, or gray household items, mentioning the color explicitly will help you find what you need.


I like it

When you come across an item that you like, expressing your preference is important. Simply say, “I like it!” or “I really like this!” This positive feedback not only helps you convey your enjoyment but also lets the salesperson know that you’re interested in the product.

I don’t like it

On the other hand, if you come across an item that doesn’t appeal to you, it’s perfectly fine to express your opinion by saying, “I don’t like it.” This lets the salesperson know that you’re not interested in the product and helps them focus their attention on finding something more tailored to your preferences.

It’s too expensive

If you find an item that you like but feel that it is priced too high, you can politely express your concern by saying, “It’s too expensive.” This conveys your desire for a more affordable option while still acknowledging your appreciation for the product.

It’s too cheap

Similarly, if you find an item that seems suspiciously inexpensive or of lower quality, you can express your reservations by saying, “It’s too cheap.” This alerts the salesperson to your concerns and allows them to address any doubts you may have about the product.

It’s too big

When trying on clothes or accessories, if you find that something is too large for your size or liking, you can mention, “It’s too big.” This feedback helps the salesperson understand your sizing preferences and allows them to offer alternatives that fit you better.

It’s too small

On the contrary, if you encounter an item that is too small for your size or needs, you can let the salesperson know by saying, “It’s too small.” By expressing your sizing concerns, the salesperson will be able to assist you in finding a more suitable option.

It’s beautiful

When you come across something aesthetically pleasing or visually appealing, it’s nice to share your admiration by saying, “It’s beautiful!” or “This is really beautiful.” This positive feedback not only acknowledges the product’s attractiveness but also lets the salesperson know that their selection has caught your eye.

It’s ugly

If you encounter something that you find unappealing or displeasing to your taste, you can politely express your dislike by saying, “It’s ugly.” This feedback allows the salesperson to understand your preferences better and helps them focus on finding items that align with your style.

Asking for help

Can you help me?

When you need assistance or have questions while shopping, don’t hesitate to seek help by asking, “Can you help me?” The salesperson will be more than willing to assist you, whether it’s finding a specific item, recommending alternatives, or providing further information about a product.

I need assistance

If you require immediate assistance or have a specific request, you can simply inform the salesperson by saying, “I need assistance.” This lets them know that you need help without explicitly stating the nature of your request. The salesperson will then be able to address your needs promptly.

Can I see something else?

If you’ve been shown a particular item but are interested in seeing more options or varieties, you can politely ask, “Can I see something else?” This allows the salesperson to understand your desire for further exploration and provide you with alternative choices that may better suit your preferences.

Can I have a bag?

When making purchases, it’s common to ask for a bag to carry your items. To request a bag, simply say, “Can I have a bag, please?” The salesperson will provide you with a suitable bag to accommodate your purchases.

Can you wrap this as a gift?

If you’re purchasing an item as a gift and would like it to be wrapped, you can inquire by saying, “Can you wrap this as a gift?” Most stores offer gift-wrapping services, and the salesperson will be happy to wrap your item creatively and make it ready for gifting.



If you prefer to pay in cash, simply state, “I would like to pay with cash.” This informs the salesperson of your chosen payment method, and they will guide you through the cash payment process, including providing change if necessary.

Credit card

When you wish to pay with a credit card, you can say, “I would like to pay with a credit card.” This alerts the salesperson that you intend to use your credit card for the purchase. They will then guide you through the necessary steps to complete the payment securely.

Debit card

If you prefer to pay with a debit card, you can mention, “I would like to pay with a debit card.” This informs the salesperson of your preferred payment method, and they will assist you in completing the transaction using your debit card.

How much does it cost?

When you’re ready to make a purchase but need to know the total cost, simply ask, “How much does it cost?” The salesperson will provide you with the final amount, including any applicable taxes or discounts, allowing you to prepare the exact payment.

Can I get a discount?

If you’re hoping for a discount or wondering if there are any ongoing promotions, you can politely inquire by saying, “Can I get a discount?” The salesperson will inform you of any available discounts or promotions that can be applied to your purchase, ensuring you receive the best deal possible.

Basic phrases

Excuse me

Using the phrase “Excuse me” is a polite way to gain someone’s attention or to navigate through a crowded store. Whether you need to pass by someone, reach for an item, or ask for assistance, saying “Excuse me” helps ensure that you’re considerate of others around you.

I don’t understand

If you encounter a language barrier or have difficulty understanding the salesperson’s instructions or explanations, it’s okay to politely express, “I don’t understand.” This lets the salesperson know that you need them to clarify or explain further to ensure effective communication.

Can you speak English?

If you’re more comfortable speaking in English, you can ask the salesperson, “Can you speak English?” This query helps you identify if the salesperson is capable of conversing with you in English, allowing for smoother and more effective communication.

Please speak slowly

If you’re struggling to keep up with the pace of the conversation or if the salesperson’s speech is rapid, you can politely request, “Please speak slowly.” This lets the salesperson know that you need them to slow down their speech so that you can better understand what is being said.

Where is the fitting room?

When you’re in a clothing store and need to find the fitting room to try on clothes, simply ask, “Where is the fitting room?” The salesperson will provide you with directions or guide you to the appropriate area where you can try on the items you’re interested in.


Is the price negotiable?

If you’re interested in purchasing an item but would like to explore the possibility of negotiating a lower price, you can ask, “Is the price negotiable?” This inquiry opens the door for a conversation about potential discounts or price adjustments, giving you the opportunity to secure a better deal.

Can you lower the price?

To directly request a lower price for an item, you can express, “Can you lower the price?” This lets the salesperson know that you’re interested in purchasing the item but would like a more affordable deal. The salesperson will consider your request and provide you with any available options or discounts.

Can I get a better deal?

If you’re looking for a better offer or if you’ve found a similar item at a lower price elsewhere, you can ask, “Can I get a better deal?” This question signals to the salesperson that you’re willing to make the purchase but are hoping for a more competitive offer. They will assess your request and propose potential solutions.

What’s your best price?

If you’re engaged in a negotiation or trying to gauge the lowest possible price for an item, you can ask, “What’s your best price?” This encourages the salesperson to provide you with their most competitive offer, helping you determine if it aligns with your budget and expectations.

Expressing preferences

I prefer this one

When comparing items and expressing a preference for a specific item, you can simply say, “I prefer this one.” This clearly communicates your choice to the salesperson and allows them to focus on finalizing your selection.

I prefer a different color

If you like a particular item but would prefer it in a different color, you can express your color preference by saying, “I prefer a different color.” This lets the salesperson know that you’re interested in the item but would like to explore color options before making your final decision.

I prefer a different style

When exploring different styles or designs, if you find one that appeals to you more than the others, you can state, “I prefer a different style.” This communicates your desire to see alternatives or similar items in different styles, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your taste.

I prefer a different size

If you’ve tried on an item, but it doesn’t fit or feel comfortable, it’s perfectly acceptable to express your preference for a different size. You can simply say, “I prefer a different size.” The salesperson will then assist you in finding the right size that accommodates your needs and preferences.

In conclusion, familiarizing yourself with these useful Korean words for shopping can greatly enhance your experience as a foreign shopper. From greetings and finding items to expressing your preferences and negotiating, incorporating these phrases into your shopping interactions will enable you to navigate stores with ease and effectively communicate your needs and preferences. Remember to always use a friendly tone and approach, as it will contribute to a pleasant and enjoyable shopping experience, both for you and the salespeople eager to assist you. Happy shopping!

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