The Ultimate Guide to Seoul’s Top 10 Must-See Attractions

If you’re planning a trip to the vibrant city of Seoul, get ready to be blown away by its incredible attractions. From ancient palaces to bustling shopping streets, Seoul has something for everyone. In this ultimate guide, we’ll take you through the top 10 must-see attractions that will leave you in awe of this fascinating city. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a food lover, or a shopaholic, Seoul has it all. So, pack your bags and get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure through the heart of South Korea’s capital.

The Ultimate Guide to Seoul’s Top 10 Must-See Attractions

Seoul, the vibrant capital city of South Korea, is a destination filled with rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving cultural scene. From ancient palaces to futuristic landmarks, the city offers an array of must-see attractions that will leave you in awe. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a food lover, or a thrill-seeker, Seoul has something for everyone. In this ultimate guide, we will take you on a journey to explore the top 10 must-see attractions in Seoul.

1. Gyeongbokgung Palace


Gyeongbokgung Palace, also known as the Palace of Shining Happiness, is the largest and most iconic of all the palaces in Seoul. Located in the heart of the city, the palace beautifully showcases the grandeur of traditional Korean architecture.


Built in 1395, Gyeongbokgung Palace served as the main royal palace during the Joseon Dynasty. However, it was partially destroyed during the Japanese occupation in the early 20th century. Fortunately, extensive restoration efforts have brought back its former glory, making it a symbol of national pride and an important historical site.


The palace complex spans over 410,000 square meters, featuring numerous pavilions, halls, and gardens. The main gate, Gwanghwamun, is an impressive sight with its colorful changing of the guards ceremony. One of the most captivating structures within the palace is Geunjeongjeon, the throne hall, adorned with intricate details and stunning artwork.

Must-See Sites

While exploring Gyeongbokgung Palace, don’t miss the National Folk Museum, located within the palace grounds. Here, you can learn more about traditional Korean culture and history through various exhibits and artifacts. Also, make sure to catch the royal guard changing ceremony, a traditional performance that takes place multiple times a day.

2. N Seoul Tower


Standing tall on Namsan Mountain, N Seoul Tower is a symbolic landmark that offers breathtaking panoramic views of Seoul. This iconic tower is a must-visit for its stunning observation deck and the romantic atmosphere it provides.


N Seoul Tower was originally built as a broadcast tower in 1969 but has since been transformed into a popular tourist attraction. Over the years, it has become a symbol of love for couples who attach padlocks to the fences as a sign of their eternal love.

Observation Deck

The highlight of N Seoul Tower is undoubtedly the observation deck. Take the high-speed elevator up to the top and be mesmerized by the stunning 360-degree view of the cityscape. It’s especially breathtaking during sunset when the vibrant colors paint the sky.

Namsan Park

Located at the base of N Seoul Tower, Namsan Park is a beautiful oasis in the heart of the city. Take a leisurely stroll through the park’s lush gardens, admire the cherry blossoms in spring, or hike up to the tower for a more adventurous approach. Don’t miss the Love Locks Wall, where you can add your own padlock and make a wish.

3. Bukchon Hanok Village


Step back in time and experience the traditional charm of South Korea at Bukchon Hanok Village. Nestled between Gyeongbokgung Palace and Changdeokgung Palace, this picturesque neighborhood is a living museum of traditional Korean homes, known as hanoks.

Traditional Houses

Strolling through the narrow alleys of Bukchon Hanok Village feels like stepping into another era. The preserved hanoks exude charm with their wooden architecture and tiled roofs. Some hanoks have been converted into cultural centers, guesthouses, and traditional tea houses, providing visitors with an immersive experience of Korean culture.

Experience Hanbok

To truly immerse yourself in the Korean culture, rent a hanbok, the traditional Korean attire. Many shops in Bukchon Hanok Village offer hanbok rentals, allowing you to dress up and explore the village like a local. The vibrant colors and intricate details of the hanbok make for memorable photos.


After exploring the village, take a break at one of the traditional teahouses scattered throughout Bukchon Hanok Village. Sip on a warm cup of traditional Korean tea while enjoying the peaceful ambiance and stunning views of the surrounding hanoks. It’s the perfect way to relax and soak in the traditional atmosphere.

4. Myeongdong Shopping Street


For all the shopaholics out there, Myeongdong Shopping Street is a must-visit destination in Seoul. This bustling district is known for its vibrant energy, endless shopping options, and delectable street food.

Shopping Paradise

Myeongdong is a shopper’s paradise, offering a wide range of fashion boutiques, cosmetics stores, and international brands. From luxury items to affordable finds, you’ll find everything you desire in this bustling shopping district. Don’t forget to explore the underground shopping malls as well, where you can find unique fashion items at bargain prices.

Street Food Delights

Exploring Myeongdong is not complete without indulging in its mouthwatering street food. The streets are lined with food stalls selling a variety of Korean treats, from spicy tteokbokki (stir-fried rice cakes) to hotteok (sweet pancakes filled with cinnamon and nuts). Don’t miss the iconic Korean fried chicken, which pairs perfectly with a refreshing cup of bingsu (shaved ice dessert).

Night Market

As the sun sets, Myeongdong transforms into a lively night market. Glistening lights illuminate the streets, and live performances add to the vibrant atmosphere. Grab some street food, browse the stalls for unique souvenirs, and immerse yourself in the lively nightlife of Seoul.

5. Changdeokgung Palace


Changdeokgung Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a hidden gem nestled within the bustling city of Seoul. Known for its exquisite architecture and beautiful gardens, this palace is a testament to Korean design and craftsmanship.

UNESCO World Heritage Site

Changdeokgung Palace, built in 1405, was the residence of various Joseon Dynasty kings. Its meticulous design and harmony with nature led to its designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997, recognizing its historical and cultural significance.

Secret Garden Tour

One of the main attractions of Changdeokgung Palace is the Secret Garden. This picturesque garden covers over 78 acres and features pavilions, ponds, and centuries-old trees. Explore the serene pathways and discover hidden gems within the garden, such as the beautiful Buyongjeong Pavilion and Juhamnu Pavilion.

Jongmyo Shrine

Adjacent to Changdeokgung Palace is Jongmyo Shrine, a Confucian shrine dedicated to the deceased kings and queens of the Joseon Dynasty. The shrine offers a glimpse into the ancient rituals and traditions of Korean culture. The peaceful atmosphere and stunning architectural details make it a truly mesmerizing place to visit.

6. Dongdaemun Design Plaza


A futuristic landmark in the heart of Seoul, Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) is a hub of creativity and innovation. Designed by renowned architect Zaha Hadid, this architectural marvel has become a symbol of Korea’s thriving fashion and design industry.

Architectural Marvel

Dongdaemun Design Plaza’s unique and unconventional design captures the imagination. Its curved lines and fluid forms create a dynamic space that seamlessly blends with its surroundings. The LED rose garden, located on the rooftop, is a must-see, especially at night when the flowers light up the sky.

Fashion and Design

As the birthplace of Korean fashion, Dongdaemun is a fashionista’s dream come true. The district surrounding DDP is packed with fashion malls, boutiques, and wholesale markets, where you can find the latest trends at affordable prices. The annual Seoul Fashion Week, held at DDP, attracts fashion enthusiasts from all over the world.

Night Markets

DDP is not only a center for fashion and design but also a vibrant hub for art and culture. The area comes alive at night with various night markets and exhibitions. Experience the energetic atmosphere as you browse through local artwork, handmade crafts, and unique street performances.

7. Lotte World Tower


Standing at a staggering height of 555 meters, Lotte World Tower is one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world. This modern marvel offers a range of attractions, from stunning city views to shopping and entertainment options.

Skyscraper Views

Take the high-speed elevator to the observation deck of Lotte World Tower and prepare to be amazed by the breathtaking views of Seoul. The panoramic vistas extend all the way to the distant mountains, offering a bird’s-eye view of the bustling city below. It’s an experience you won’t want to miss.

Shopping and Entertainment

Adjacent to Lotte World Tower is Lotte World Mall, a paradise for shoppers. This massive shopping complex houses a wide selection of luxury brands, international retailers, and local boutiques. After a day of shopping, head to the nearby Lotte World Aquarium or the Lotte World Ice Rink for some entertainment and family fun.

Lotte World Theme Park

Lotte World Tower is also connected to Lotte World Theme Park, a popular attraction that offers a diverse range of thrilling rides, live shows, and parades. Whether you’re an adrenaline junkie or traveling with children, Lotte World Theme Park is sure to provide endless hours of excitement and fun.

8. Jogyesa Temple


Located in the heart of Seoul, Jogyesa Temple is a peaceful oasis amid the bustling city streets. This Buddhist temple serves as a spiritual center and cultural hub, offering visitors a glimpse into Korean Buddhism and its rich traditions.

Buddhist Cultural Center

Jogyesa Temple is not only a place of worship but also a cultural center that aims to promote understanding and appreciation of Buddhism. Visitors can participate in various activities, such as meditation classes and Buddhist ceremonies, to gain a deeper understanding of Korean Buddhist culture.

Lotus Lantern Festival

One of the most enchanting events held at Jogyesa Temple is the Lotus Lantern Festival, celebrated annually in May. During this festival, thousands of colorful lanterns light up the temple and its surroundings, creating a magical ambiance. Join the lantern parade and witness the vibrant cultural performances that take place throughout the festival.

Temple Stay

For those seeking a unique and immersive experience, Jogyesa Temple offers temple stay programs. Participants can live like a monk for a day or even a week, immersing themselves in the daily routines of monastic life, practicing meditation, and experiencing the tranquility of temple life.

9. Insadong


Known as the cultural and artistic hub of Seoul, Insadong is a neighborhood that captures the essence of traditional Korean art and culture. With its narrow alleys, art galleries, and traditional craft stores, this vibrant district is a haven for art enthusiasts and culture seekers.

Art and Culture

Insadong is known for its abundance of art galleries, showcasing works by Korean artists and international talents. From contemporary art to traditional Korean paintings, there’s something for every art lover. Explore the galleries and immerse yourself in the creative atmosphere that permeates the streets.

Traditional Crafts

One of the highlights of Insadong is the opportunity to witness traditional Korean craftsmanship up close. The neighborhood is filled with stores selling handmade pottery, calligraphy brushes, and other traditional crafts. You can even try your hand at making your own crafts, such as pottery or hanji (traditional paper) crafts, under the guidance of skilled artisans.

Street Performances

Insadong comes alive with street performances that add to the vibrant atmosphere. From traditional Korean music and dance to modern performances, you can witness the talent and creativity of local performers as you wander through the streets. The performances provide a glimpse into the dynamic arts scene of Seoul.

10. Everland


For a day of adrenaline-pumping fun and excitement, head to Everland, South Korea’s largest theme park. Located just outside of Seoul, this sprawling park offers a wide variety of thrilling rides, entertainment options, and even a safari experience.

Largest Theme Park

Everland is divided into different themed zones, each offering a unique experience. Whether you’re a fan of roller coasters or prefer family-friendly attractions, there’s something for everyone. Explore the magic of the European Adventure zone, ride the thrilling T-Express wooden roller coaster in the Global Fair zone, or immerse yourself in the fantasy world of Safari World.

Exciting Rides

Everland is known for its exhilarating rides that cater to thrill-seekers of all ages. Experience the rush of the roller coasters, such as the Intamin Accelerator Coaster, or brave the heart-pounding swings of the Gyro Swing. Don’t miss the chance to cool off on the water rides during the hot summer months.

Safari World

One of the unique features of Everland is Safari World, where you can embark on a safari adventure and get up close to a variety of exotic animals. Hop on the safari bus and encounter lions, tigers, and bears in their natural habitats. It’s an unforgettable experience that will leave you with lasting memories.

Seoul truly offers a diverse range of attractions that cater to all interests and preferences. From ancient palaces and temples to modern architectural marvels and thrilling theme parks, the city seamlessly blends tradition and innovation. Whether you’re a history buff, an art enthusiast, or a thrill-seeker, Seoul’s top 10 must-see attractions will leave you with unforgettable experiences and a deeper appreciation for Korean culture. So, pack your bags, embark on an adventure, and let Seoul captivate you with its wonders.

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