Tips for Finding the Best Restaurants in Korea

Are you a food lover planning to visit Korea soon? Well, we’ve got some great news for you! This article will provide you with valuable tips on how to find the absolute best restaurants in Korea. From hidden local gems to popular dining spots, we’ll guide you through the art of searching for delectable culinary experiences in this vibrant country. So get ready to embark on a mouth-watering adventure filled with traditional Korean dishes, innovative fusion cuisine, and unforgettable dining experiences. Let’s dive right in!

Top Korean Dishes

When it comes to Korean cuisine, there are several iconic dishes that you must try. These dishes are not only delicious but also represent the essence of Korean culture. Here are some of the top Korean dishes that you should definitely try while visiting Korea.


Bibimbap is a classic Korean dish that consists of a bowl of rice topped with various seasoned vegetables, seafood, or meat and served with a red chili paste called gochujang. The beauty of bibimbap lies in its presentation, as the ingredients are neatly arranged on top of the rice, creating a colorful and appetizing dish. Mixing all the ingredients together with the gochujang creates a harmonious blend of flavors that will leave you wanting more.


Samgyeopsal, also known as Korean BBQ, is a popular dish in Korea that involves grilling slices of pork belly at the table. The pork belly is cooked over a charcoal grill and then wrapped in lettuce leaves along with various side dishes like kimchi and garlic. The combination of the juicy and flavorful meat with the fresh lettuce and tangy side dishes creates an explosion of flavors in your mouth. Eating samgyeopsal is not only a tasty experience but also a social one, as it is often enjoyed with a group of friends or family.


Bulgogi is another beloved Korean dish that consists of thinly sliced marinated beef or pork that is grilled or stir-fried. The meat is marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, sugar, garlic, and other seasonings, which gives it a sweet and savory flavor. Bulgogi is often served with rice and side dishes like kimchi and pickled vegetables. The tender and flavorful meat paired with the mouthwatering marinade makes bulgogi a must-try dish for meat lovers.


No discussion of Korean cuisine would be complete without mentioning kimchi. Kimchi is a staple in Korean cuisine and is served with almost every meal. It is a traditional side dish made from fermented vegetables, most commonly cabbage, and flavored with garlic, ginger, chili powder, and other ingredients. The fermentation process gives kimchi its signature tangy and spicy flavor. Kimchi can be enjoyed on its own or used as an ingredient in various dishes like stews, fried rice, and pancakes.


Jjajangmyeon is a popular Korean-Chinese dish that has become a staple in Korean cuisine. It is made with thick wheat noodles topped with a rich and savory black bean sauce, along with various vegetables and sometimes meat or seafood. The combination of the chewy noodles, flavorful sauce, and crunchy vegetables creates a satisfying and comforting dish. Jjajangmyeon is often enjoyed as a quick and affordable meal, and it has become a favorite among Koreans of all ages.

Traditional vs. Modern

When it comes to dining in Korea, you have the option to choose between traditional Korean restaurants and modern fusion restaurants. Each type of restaurant offers a unique dining experience, showcasing different aspects of Korean cuisine.

Traditional Korean Restaurants

Traditional Korean restaurants, also known as “hanjeongsik” restaurants, are known for serving traditional Korean meals in a formal and elegant setting. These restaurants often feature a wide variety of dishes served in multiple courses, allowing diners to experience a traditional Korean banquet. The meals at traditional Korean restaurants are prepared with great care and attention to detail, using traditional cooking techniques and high-quality ingredients. Dining at a traditional Korean restaurant is not just about the food, but also about immersing yourself in Korean culture and tradition.

Modern Fusion Restaurants

For those looking for a more contemporary dining experience, modern fusion restaurants are a great choice. These restaurants combine traditional Korean flavors with international culinary techniques, creating a fusion of different cuisines. The menu at a modern fusion restaurant often features unique and innovative dishes that showcase the creativity and culinary skills of the chefs. Dining at a modern fusion restaurant is an opportunity to explore the evolving nature of Korean cuisine and experience the blending of traditional and modern flavors.

Local Recommendations

When it comes to finding the best restaurants in Korea, there is no better source of information than the locals themselves. They know the hidden gems and the popular spots that will satisfy your taste buds. Here are some tips on how to get local recommendations.

Ask Locals for Recommendations

The best way to find local recommendations is to ask the locals directly. Strike up a conversation with people you meet during your travels and ask them about their favorite restaurants. Locals are often more than happy to share their go-to spots and insider tips. They can offer valuable insights into authentic local cuisine and help you discover off-the-beaten-path eateries that you might otherwise miss. Don’t be afraid to ask for specific recommendations based on your preferences, whether it’s vegetarian-friendly restaurants or must-try street food stalls.

Visit Local Food Blogs or Websites

Another great way to find local recommendations is to check out local food blogs or websites. Many food enthusiasts and bloggers in Korea share their experiences and recommendations on their platforms. These blogs often provide detailed reviews, photos, and even directions to the restaurants they recommend. They can be a valuable resource for discovering hidden culinary gems and getting insider tips on the best dishes to try. Take some time to explore these online resources and make note of the places that catch your interest.

Popular Dining Areas

To make your dining experience in Korea even more enjoyable, it is worth exploring some of the popular dining areas in the country. These areas are known for their vibrant food scene and offer a wide range of options to suit every palate.


Hongdae, located near Hongik University, is a popular neighborhood known for its artsy and youthful vibe. The streets of Hongdae are lined with trendy cafes, restaurants, and street food stalls offering a diverse range of cuisines. From traditional Korean dishes to international flavors, you’ll find a variety of dining options to choose from. Hongdae is particularly famous for its nightlife, so you can enjoy a delicious meal and then explore the vibrant streets filled with bars and clubs.


Gangnam is a bustling district in Seoul that is known for its upscale shopping, high-rise buildings, and trendy restaurants. Here, you’ll find a wide range of dining options ranging from Michelin-starred restaurants to casual eateries. Gangnam is a great place to indulge in Korean barbecue, as there are numerous barbecue restaurants that offer high-quality meat and a premium dining experience. After your meal, take a stroll along the streets of Gangnam and experience the vibrant energy of this fashionable district.


Myeongdong is a shopping mecca in Seoul, known for its vibrant street food scene. When you visit Myeongdong, you’ll be greeted by the mouthwatering smell of various street food stalls selling everything from spicy tteokbokki to hotteok (Korean sweet pancakes). It’s the perfect place to grab a quick and delicious snack while exploring the shops and attractions in the area. If street food isn’t your thing, there are also plenty of sit-down restaurants in Myeongdong offering traditional Korean dishes and international cuisines.


Itaewon is a diverse and multicultural neighborhood in Seoul that has a reputation for its international dining scene. The streets of Itaewon are lined with restaurants offering cuisines from around the world, including American, Italian, Indian, Mexican, and more. It’s a great place to go if you’re craving something other than Korean food or if you want to explore the global flavors that Seoul has to offer. From fine dining establishments to casual eateries, Itaewon has something to satisfy every palate.

Online Review Platforms

If you’re looking for more information and reviews about restaurants in Korea, online review platforms are a great resource. These platforms allow users to share their experiences and rate restaurants based on various factors such as food quality, service, and atmosphere. Here are some of the top online review platforms in Korea.

Top Online Review Platforms in Korea

  • Naver Maps: Naver Maps is a popular map and navigation app in Korea that also provides restaurant reviews and ratings. It allows users to search for restaurants based on location, cuisine, or keywords, and provides detailed information about each establishment.
  • Mango Plate: Mango Plate is a widely used restaurant recommendation app in Korea. It features user-generated reviews and ratings, along with photos and menus of various restaurants. It also offers personalized recommendations based on your preferences and dining history.
  • OpenRice: OpenRice is an online dining guide that covers restaurants in various cities around the world, including Seoul. It provides reviews, ratings, and information about different types of cuisines and dining options. Users can search for restaurants based on location, cuisine, and price range.

Usage Tips for Online Review Platforms

When using online review platforms, keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Look for reviews from locals: Local reviewers are more likely to provide accurate and reliable information about restaurants. Their opinions can give you a better understanding of the local dining scene and the quality of food and service.
  2. Read multiple reviews: Don’t rely solely on one review. Read multiple reviews to get a more comprehensive understanding of the restaurant’s strengths and weaknesses. Look for common themes and trends in the reviews to get a sense of the overall dining experience.
  3. Consider the reviewer’s preferences: Everyone has different tastes and preferences, so take that into account when reading reviews. If a reviewer has specific dietary restrictions or preferences that align with yours, their review may be more relevant to your needs.
  4. Leave your own reviews: If you have a positive dining experience, consider leaving a review to help others who are looking for recommendations. Your review can have a positive impact on the restaurant and contribute to the online community of food enthusiasts.

Traditional Mom-and-Pop Shops

In addition to the popular dining areas and online review platforms, traditional mom-and-pop shops are hidden gems that offer an authentic and nostalgic dining experience in Korea. These small, family-owned businesses have been passed down through generations and often serve traditional dishes with a homemade touch.

Characteristics of Traditional Mom-and-Pop Shops

Traditional mom-and-pop shops are characterized by their warm and cozy atmosphere. They are usually small establishments with limited seating, giving them a homey feel. These shops often focus on a specific type of cuisine or a traditional dish and have perfected the recipes over time. The food served in mom-and-pop shops is typically made with love and care, using traditional cooking methods and family recipes that have been passed down through generations.

Where to Find Them

Traditional mom-and-pop shops can be found throughout Korea, often tucked away in local neighborhoods and side streets. To discover these hidden culinary treasures, consider venturing away from the tourist areas and exploring residential areas. Take a leisurely stroll through local neighborhoods, and you’ll likely stumble upon small eateries with handwritten signs and welcoming storefronts. Don’t be afraid to step inside and try the dishes that have been loved by locals for generations.

Street Food Delights

No visit to Korea would be complete without indulging in some street food delights. Korean street food is known for its wide variety and bold flavors, making it a popular choice among locals and tourists alike. Here are some must-try street food options and the best street food markets in Seoul.

Must-Try Street Food in Korea

  • Tteokbokki: Tteokbokki is a popular street food dish made from stir-fried rice cakes in a spicy sauce. It’s often served with fish cakes and garnished with green onions and sesame seeds. The chewy texture of the rice cakes combined with the spicy sauce creates a delightful explosion of flavors.
  • Hotteok: Hotteok is a sweet Korean pancake filled with a mixture of brown sugar, cinnamon, and crushed nuts. The pancake is cooked until golden brown and crispy on the outside, while the filling becomes warm and gooey. It’s the perfect treat to satisfy your sweet tooth while exploring the streets of Korea.
  • Twigim: Twigim, or Korean-style tempura, refers to a variety of deep-fried snacks like vegetables, seafood, and dumplings. Popular choices include fried shrimp, sweet potatoes, and squid. Twigim stalls are often found in outdoor markets and offer a wide selection of crispy and flavorful snacks.

Best Street Food Markets in Seoul

  • Gwangjang Market: Gwangjang Market is one of the oldest and largest traditional markets in Seoul. It is a paradise for food lovers, with countless stalls selling a wide variety of street food. From bindaetteok (mung bean pancakes) to jokbal (braised pig’s feet), you’ll find an endless array of mouthwatering dishes to try.
  • Myeongdong Street Market: Myeongdong Street Market is not only a popular shopping destination but also a haven for street food enthusiasts. The streets are lined with food stalls selling everything from grilled skewers to bubble tea. It’s a vibrant and bustling market where you can indulge in delicious treats while enjoying the lively atmosphere.
  • Hongdae Free Market: Hongdae Free Market is an open-air market that showcases local artists and designers, but it’s also a great place to satisfy your street food cravings. The market features a section dedicated to food stalls, offering a variety of street food options. After sampling the delicious snacks, you can browse through the unique creations of local artists.

Food Delivery Apps

If you prefer to enjoy your meals in the comfort of your own accommodation, Korean food delivery apps are a convenient option. With just a few taps on your phone, you can have a wide variety of dishes delivered right to your doorstep. Here are some popular food delivery apps in Korea and how to use them.

List of Popular Food Delivery Apps

  • Baemin: Baemin is one of the most popular food delivery apps in Korea, offering a wide selection of restaurants and cuisines. The app allows you to browse menus, place orders, and track the progress of your delivery. It also offers various payment options, including cash, credit card, and mobile payment.
  • Yogiyo: Yogiyo is another widely used food delivery app in Korea. It allows you to search for restaurants by cuisine or location and offers detailed menus and reviews. Yogiyo also provides real-time updates on the status of your delivery and allows you to rate and review the restaurants.
  • Coupang Eats: Coupang Eats is a food delivery app offered by one of Korea’s largest e-commerce companies, Coupang. It provides a seamless ordering experience and offers a wide variety of restaurants and cuisines. Coupang Eats also offers fast delivery and a cashless payment system for added convenience.

How to Use Food Delivery Apps in Korea

Using food delivery apps in Korea is quick and easy. Here are the general steps to follow:

  1. Download the app: Start by downloading the food delivery app of your choice from the App Store or Google Play Store. Make sure to download the app that is compatible with your device.
  2. Sign up or log in: Create an account with the app by providing your email address or linking your social media accounts. If you already have an account, simply log in using your credentials.
  3. Enter your location: Allow the app to access your location or manually enter your address to view the available restaurants in your area.
  4. Browse menus and select your items: Once you see the list of restaurants, browse their menus and select the dishes you want to order. Some apps also offer filters and sorting options to help you find what you’re looking for.
  5. Customize your order: Depending on the restaurant, you may have the option to customize your order by adding or removing ingredients or requesting special instructions.
  6. Place your order: Review your order to ensure everything is correct, then proceed to check out. Select your preferred payment method and confirm your order.
  7. Track your delivery: After placing your order, the app will provide real-time updates on the status of your delivery. You can track the progress of your order and receive notifications when it’s on its way.
  8. Enjoy your meal: Once your order arrives, sit back, relax, and enjoy your delicious meal from the comfort of your own space.

Vegetarian and Vegan Options

If you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, you’ll be pleased to know that Korea offers a variety of options to suit your dietary needs. While Korean cuisine traditionally includes a lot of meat and seafood, there has been a growing movement towards vegetarian and vegan-friendly establishments.

Vegetarian and Vegan Restaurants in Korea

In recent years, vegetarian and vegan restaurants have been popping up across Korea, offering plant-based alternatives and creative dishes. These restaurants cater specifically to vegetarians and vegans, ensuring that the food is prepared without any animal products.

Many vegetarian and vegan restaurants in Korea offer a variety of dishes that are familiar to Korean cuisine but made with plant-based ingredients. From vegan bulgogi to tofu bibimbap, you can enjoy the flavors of Korean food without sacrificing your dietary preferences.

Tips for Communicating Dietary Needs

While vegetarian and vegan options have become more prevalent in Korea, it can still be helpful to communicate your dietary needs clearly when dining out. Here are some tips to ensure that your needs are understood:

  1. Learn some basic Korean phrases: Familiarize yourself with some basic Korean phrases related to vegetarian or vegan diets. For example, “Chayeo” means vegetarian, and “Bigaopsshi” means vegan. Using these phrases can help clarify your dietary requirements to the restaurant staff.
  2. Research restaurant menus in advance: Before visiting a restaurant, take the time to search for their menu online or on food delivery apps. This will give you an idea of the vegetarian or vegan options available and help you make an informed decision.
  3. Speak with the restaurant staff: When you arrive at a restaurant, let the staff know about your dietary restrictions. You can ask questions to ensure that the dishes are prepared without any animal products. The staff may be able to provide recommendations or suggest modifications to existing dishes to accommodate your needs.
  4. Be open to customization: Although vegetarian and vegan options are becoming more common, some restaurants may not have dedicated menu items for these dietary preferences. In such cases, don’t hesitate to ask if modifications can be made to existing dishes to make them vegetarian or vegan-friendly. Many restaurants are willing to accommodate dietary restrictions to the best of their ability.

Food Allergy Awareness

For those with food allergies, finding allergy-friendly restaurants is essential to ensure a safe dining experience. While it can be challenging to navigate unfamiliar cuisines and ingredients, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of exposure to allergens.

Finding Allergy-Friendly Restaurants

When searching for allergy-friendly restaurants in Korea, consider the following:

  1. Research restaurants in advance: Before visiting a restaurant, research their menu and inquire about their ingredients and preparation methods. Many restaurants provide allergy information on their websites or through online review platforms.
  2. Seek recommendations: Ask for recommendations from locals or join online forums and groups dedicated to food allergies. Those who have experience with allergies can provide valuable insights and recommend restaurants that cater to specific dietary needs.
  3. Contact the restaurant directly: If you have specific allergies or dietary restrictions, contact the restaurant directly to discuss your needs. It’s important to communicate the severity of your allergy and inquire about cross-contamination risks. Some restaurants may be able to accommodate your needs or provide alternate options.

Communication Strategies for Allergies

When communicating your food allergies in Korea, it’s important to be clear and specific. Here are some communication strategies to ensure that your needs are understood:

  1. Learn key phrases: Familiarize yourself with essential Korean phrases related to food allergies. For example, “allergy” is “allaji,” and “I have an allergy to [specific ingredient]” is “[specific ingredient] allergi isseoyo.” Practicing these phrases can help you convey your allergies to restaurant staff.
  2. Carry allergy information in Korean: Consider carrying a translated card or written document that clearly outlines your allergies in Korean. This can help ensure that your message is understood, even if there is a language barrier.
  3. Communicate clearly with waitstaff: When ordering food, inform the waitstaff about your allergies and emphasize the severity of your condition. Ask questions about specific dishes and their ingredients to ensure that they are safe for you to consume.
  4. Avoid cross-contamination: In some cases, it may be necessary to request separate utensils or cooking equipment to avoid cross-contamination. Communicate your concerns to the restaurant staff, and they may be able to take additional precautions to ensure your safety.

By following these strategies and communicating your needs effectively, you can enjoy a safe and worry-free dining experience in Korea, even with food allergies.

In conclusion, Korea offers a diverse and vibrant culinary scene that caters to a wide range of dietary preferences and needs. From traditional dishes to modern fusion cuisine, there is something to satisfy every palate. Whether you choose to explore the popular dining areas, seek out hidden gems, or indulge in street food delights, you are sure to have an unforgettable culinary adventure in Korea. So go ahead, try the bibimbap, seek local recommendations, and embark on a gastronomic journey that will leave you craving for more.

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